Vegetables project Built with HTML and CSS

Vegetables Project

This project was my very first one. I did that at the end of SheCodes Basic course. I used basic HTML, CSS and vanilla Javascript and well as VS Code.

Launch Veg project

Weather app

The weather app was my final project for the SheCodes Plus course. I used HTML, CSS and more advanced JS as well as Bootstrap, Flexbox, APIs, GitHub and Netlify.

Launch weather app
Weather project Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Dictionary project Built with HTML, CSS and React

React Weather app

This was my first project in SheCodes React where I learned how to build and integrate components. I used JSX, CSS, Bootstrap, API, GitHub and Netlify.

Launch React App

Dictionary app

This was my second React project and my final project in this six months course. In this project I used all the techniques mentioned above. It was a lot of fun.

Launch App
React weather app project Built with HTML, CSS and React